Friday, April 1, 2011

Gene Testing & Follow Up

I have tested negative for BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation. This means I do not have this genetic mutation and therefore I have not passed this down to our children. I am very thankful for this! I may still have a mutation in another cancer predisposing gene that has not yet been discovered but for now this is all we know.
Today I had my follow-up with my oncologist. I did not like walking back into the Cancer Center but at least I wasn't there for more treatment. When you walk into the waiting room everyone looks at you and then you at them. Today I was once again the youngest (or at least I'm pretty sure I was). My oncologist's nurse said she liked my short hair and that is suited me :)  Good thing because I don't have a choice!!
My follow up is going to consist of a yearly mammogram and MRI staggered 6 months apart and quarterly doctor's appointments. I was surprised  with this as from what I have heard most women do not get offered MRIs but fortunately my oncologist worked with inflammatory breast cancer during her residency and knows how aggressive it is. The lastest article written March 21, 2011 states that the median overall survival has significantly improved from approximately 15 months to 40 months; studies document that approximately 28% of women with IBC are alive and free of disease at 15 years
Lord willing I do pray that I will be in the 28% group alive in 15 years but I know that if I am not I will be heaven praising Jesus. So either way I win!!

Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ.
     -- Life Application Bible


  1. nice blog i just visit your blog its nice your work is superb

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  2. Hi Lynn
    I just wanted to let you know I have been following your blog and you are doing an amazing job providing info. and keeping everyone well informed and updated. I'm sure the short hair suits you as I have never seen you with a hairdo that didn't!! I think about you daily and tried to send you an email a few months ago, but I think I have the wrong email.If you have time, please email me.
    Lots of love

    1. Thanks Chris, Nice to hear from you. I pray all is well with you and the family. Love Lynn

  3. This blog is a great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you.
